Marvel Horror Wiki

The evil, demonic Hell-Lord Mephisto comes from eons ago. The Elder Gods, immensely powerful, ruled Earth ages before The First Celestial Host stepped foot on Earth. The monster Atum drove them off, but their mystical energies remained and became the Hell-Lords. Mephisto was the first and is one of the most powerful. Mephisto is a massive demon, an evil lord who steals people's souls and tortures, kills, and attacks the other world. He is modeled after the devil in Christianity, which fits, as he rules over his own Hell-like dimension, and steals souls using contracts with mortals (which are often misleading or unfair). He particularly enjoys taking the souls of powerful or very good people. Legend has it however, that Mephisto was actually the first Deviant to have been created by The Celestials on Earth during The First Host, and was never a demon to begin with.

Mephisto once revealed to Thanos that he was fathered by the omnipotent being that once possessed all of the Infinity Gems. Bored by his own existence, he created Mephisto and the demons, unaware that they would turn evil. He destroyed them when he understood their true nature, but when this omnipotent entity committed cosmic suicide, Mephisto and the demons were brought back to life.

Mephisto's Dimension[]

Mephisto rules over his own dimension, which he calls Hell or Hades. It is a horrible place where demons are tortured and torture others, with fiery pits of smoke and lava. Mephisto is nearly unstoppable while in his dimension, possessing power rival to a hungry Galactus. It has its own demon army, which frequently wages war against other-dimensional creatures and armies, including Earth's heroes. Mephisto's Realm also is home to Mephisto's Castle, an imposing palace in which Mephisto dwells, and the Arena of Tainted Souls, where debased souls are forced to wage war in eternal combat for the demons' amusement