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Humans are silly creatures. They possess a neverending craving for wealth and power and tend to breed in great numbers. Humans are indiginous to the planet Earth, and are generally referred to as Earthlings. However, there are other races who bear strong humanoid physical characteristics that are native to other worlds. On some planets, they too may consider themselves humans, though they are not Earthlings. Oddly enough, humans are the most dominant life forms on the planet Earth, even moreso than other races who possess greater vitality, power and/or longevity.


There are two dominant genders that make up the human race, though both of these become mutable based upon the desires of the individual as they get older. Male humans are distinguished by increased musculature, external genitalia and an overall lack of physical and social grace. Female humans are notable for they are the bearers of offspring, though this often requires a male component in order to procreate. Female human tend to be more physically slender than their male counterparts and are distinguished by internal genitalia and enlarged mammaries for purposes of nursing.

Humans are born with certain biological characteristics. Barring genetic mutation, every human possesses one head, two eyes, two ears, a mouth and a nose. They have two arms with four fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand as well as two legs with five toes on each foot.

The human species is divided into separate races, all of which are based on varying physical types. The types differ depending upon the region in which the race originated. Races that originate from areas with a temperate or cool climate tend to have fair skin, often beige in color. Races that originate from tropical regions tend to have a darker complexion.

Most sub-races of human, those that others would deem as "monsters", are largely splinter races of baseline humanity. Mutants, vampires, werewolves and witches all begin life as normal humans, but through various circumstances, evolve or become a different race of creature entirely. Some however, still maintain their human physiology though they may also possess other biological factors that sets them apart from homo sapiens.


Humans enjoy sports and reality television.


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