The passage of time in the Marvel Universe is different than the passage of time in the real world. All information listed here is per the year in which the source material was first published. This does not necessarily mean that the event(s) in question actually take place in the year 1972.
Jack Russell turns 18 and inherits the curse of lycanthropy from his father. He turns into a werewolf for the very first time and gets into a scrape with a guard dog in Malibu.
Philip Russell hires his chauffeur Max Grant to sabotage the brakes on his wife's car so he can inherit her fortune. Laura Russell is in a car crash and taken to the hospital.
Frank Drake returns to Castle Dracula to steal Dracula's coffin. Dracula follows him back to London where Drake also finds his ex-girlfriend, Jeanie. Jeanie enraptures Clifton Graves and Drake is forced to stake her.
Frank Drake considers committing suicide, but Rachel Van Helsing and Taj Nitall meet him and convince him to join their crusade against the forces of the undead.
Marlene Blackgar turns Jack Russell into stone. He reverts back to normal and steals the Darkhold. Marlene and her henchman Strug pursue him to Buck Cowan’s house where she attempts to steal it back. She tries to turn him to stone again, but her power reflects off a mirror turning both her father and she into statues.
Mark Cephalos kidnaps werewolf Jack Russell and siphons away a portion of his power giving him super-strength. They fight and Cephalos tries to escape in his helicopter, but the werewolf destroys the controls and chopper crashes, killing Cephalos.